Episode 16 – Jessica Robinson

Episode 16 – Jessica Robinson

#16 Are women the key to a greener financial future? Welcome to episode #16 of New Climate Capitalism, and today we’re talking about financial feminism. My guest is Jessica Robinson, who’s just published a new book called “Financial Feminism: A...
Episode 15 – David Barnden

Episode 15 – David Barnden

#15 Australian student sues the government to climate-proof her pension In the past decade, the number of climate lawsuits has increased a lot all over the world, and Australia is the undisputed leader in the field. One of the most interesting cases going on there...
Episode 14 – Siddharth Sthalekar

Episode 14 – Siddharth Sthalekar

#14 Is the future of wealth social and cultural? For this episode I’m talking with Siddarth Shtalekar, who’s the founder of Sacred Capital, a Singapore-based company that’s building reputational currencies on distributed ledgers. If you’re thinking...
Episode 13 – Michael Rogerson

Episode 13 – Michael Rogerson

#13 The hardest of hard problems: modern slavery in the supply chain Our topic today is modern slavery in the supply chain. This is one of those big, disturbing issues that affects all of us. Each time we buy a bar of chocolate, an iPhone, an item of clothing, it is...