Episode 26 – Sony Kapoor

Episode 26 – Sony Kapoor

#26 “Unlocking the trillions” will not suffice: a new Grand Bargain is needed between North and South Today we are excited to welcome back Sony Kapoor to the podcast, and we’re talking about the Bridgetown Initiative, a new plan – an exciting new...
Episode 18 – Lisen Schultz

Episode 18 – Lisen Schultz

#18 Sweden’s best-kept secret: Rewiring CEOs for sustainability Since the start of 2021 we’ve seen a race – like an arms race – among companies to announce net zero emissions targets. Great, you might say. But do the leaders of those companies know...
Episode 9 – Brynn O’Brien

Episode 9 – Brynn O’Brien

#09 What did we learn from the Rio Tinto disaster? When I first read about Rio Tinto blowing up an ancient Aboriginal site to mine for premium iron ore, I could hardly believe it. To understand how it happened, and what it means, I talked to Brynn O’Brien, Executive...
Episode 8 – Paul Bodnar

Episode 8 – Paul Bodnar

#08 Is climate-aligned finance the next big thing for decarbonizing finance? Today’s guest is Paul Bodnar, Managing Director of the Rocky Mountain Institute. We talk about their recently launched Centre for Climate-Aligned Finance, which is a promising new approach to...