Episode 16 – Jessica Robinson

Episode 16 – Jessica Robinson

#16 Are women the key to a greener financial future? Welcome to episode #16 of New Climate Capitalism, and today we’re talking about financial feminism. My guest is Jessica Robinson, who’s just published a new book called “Financial Feminism: A...
Episode 9 – Brynn O’Brien

Episode 9 – Brynn O’Brien

#09 What did we learn from the Rio Tinto disaster? When I first read about Rio Tinto blowing up an ancient Aboriginal site to mine for premium iron ore, I could hardly believe it. To understand how it happened, and what it means, I talked to Brynn O’Brien, Executive...
Episode 7 – Denise Odaro

Episode 7 – Denise Odaro

#07 Green bonds: hype or key to greening the future? Green bonds are back in the news again in recent weeks following some big issues from Google and the German government. You may be asking yourself: why should I care. Well, green bonds finance green stuff –...